Sanctimonious lecturing by BC Liberals proves their unsuitability to represent let alone represent BC

To listen to the BC Liberals this morning about the good old days of the last 16 years is a step outside reality. They're accusing the NDP of taking BC backwards with the new budget. Nothing could be further from the truth. Its because the BC Liberals's mishandling of the real estate market that life became so unaffordable for so many.

What's worse, is that the government spending now underway is specifically to repair things neglected by the BC Liberals for their terms in office. From schools, teachers, healthcare, poverty and homelessness; everything was let to slide while they siphoned cash from BC's crown corporations in order to prop up their imaginary budget surpluses.

Speaking of surplus, the NDP has a modest one at around $370 million, but would have been substantially more had they not been required to bail out the wounded BC Hydro and ICBC by over $2 billion.

The BC Liberals broke so many things in BC; tarnished our provincial crown jewels so to speak. The NDP is tasked in cleaning up this mess and the BC Liberals will try to make you hate them for the clean up costs.

Except, BC isn't stupid. The jig is up.



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