Arbitrary regime change used to be opposed by Liberals

Let me make something clear right away. I'm no Maduro supporter and I think his regime is no different than any other totalitarian regime elsewhere, except that they've mastered the art of pretending they're a functioning democracy where they are clearly not.
It was a bold position to take when then Prime Minister Jean Chretien announced that our nation would not participate in the second Iraq with war along side George W. Bush. He was immediately demonized by Harper and the Conservative party, but the principal was right.
Regime change is the domain of the oppressed to topple said regime. Once an external power intervenes (as America and UK did) they became the enemy. One can plausibly argue that this intervention is the spark that eventually created ISIS. But that is a debate for another day.
So here we are with current US President Donald Trump arbitrarily appointing the opposition leader as "President" in Venezuela, and the nation's that opposed regime change in 2003 (Iraq) seemingly ok with this now.
I'm no Maduro supporter and I don't know enough about the opposition leader to form an opinion on him either; but it should be the people of Venezuela who determine what regime change looks like, and to whom they grant the keys of power to afterwards.
My 2 bits


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