Lessons of history should guide #Nanaimo voters ahead of byelection

It was a fascinating dynamic to watch hard core Bernie fans either refuse to vote, vote Green, or Vote Trump because their guy Bernie Sanders didn't win the Democratic Party nomination in 2016. Eventually, Hillary would win the popular vote by at least 3 million votes, but as it is with our own FPTP system, votes don't determine outcome. Electoral votes did.

Strategically, either by fluke or by design, Donald Trump went on to win and become the 45th President of the US. He won smaller conservative states to be sure, but he also won enough larger states to tilt the balance - regardless of what New York or California did.

Already, the Warren/Beto/Sanders camps are going to war against each other *inside* the Democratic Party, as the various groups of activists claim that their opponents are 'no different than Trump'. Hogwash. At this point, a moldy piece of bread is an improvement to Trump, but activists would convince you of otherwise. If this keeps up, Trump is on his way to a 2020 landslide and it will be a real one that includes the popular vote.

And there is a lesson there for Nanaimo voters. Early sniping has started between the not-BC-Liberal activist crowds and it threatens to split a progressive voting group that collectively votes almost 70% against conservative candidates. Split in half, however, it takes a BC Liberal only 36% to gain the seat. If that were to happen, we would end up into a general election no later than summer. If the NDP retain the seat, the balance of power is held in place in Victoria and the #greeNDP arrangement carries on.

Sure, they're not perfect. Some hard core NDP and hard core Greens aren't happy with this arrangement because it probably isn't achieving 100% of their goals. Welcome to the world of compromise. That's how things get done; and in this minority parliament, a large amount of progressive things are being done.

All of that is at risk if the two camps on the left can't bury the axe.

I'm no angel, I was part of the infighting in the last term of office; so my moral high ground isn't that high. But people change too.

There are too many things at risk should the BC Liberals cynically trigger a premature election call. They had 16 years to do a lot of damage and they delivered well. We lost 13 schools and saw thousands of educators and healthcare workers lose their jobs (who were primarily female).

The BC Liberals took advantage of BC and ignored Nanaimo all this time. Why on earth should we give them a chance to sneak back into office.

Vote NDP.

My 2 bits


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