The only way that the legislature debacle becomes an NDP/Liberal proxy war is if the narrative is spun that way

One of the most disappointing articles I've read in a long time was published by Rob Shaw, where he suggests that the current debacle under way at the BC Legislature is a proxy war between the two major parties in BC.

That itself is a BC Liberal talking point. Its a "both sides" argument being made.

Its false, but that's how this is being spun, and it serves BC Liberals that this be told in that narrative.

In short, Speaker Daryl Plecas and his special assistant Mullins uncovered some shady things they believe worthy of a police investigation. So they forwarded whatever they had to the police. Two special prosecutors are now involved because of the politically sensitive nature of the investigation.

In the ordinary world, had you done anything or accused of doing something shady, until it could be proved beyond doubt; you could rightly be expected to be suspended with pay as the investigation does whatever it does. In the case of the legislative duo in question, their employer is the legislative assembly of BC. That's who voted ('hired') them, and its to them any question lays on their status; including the very administrative leave (suspension with pay).

The move to do so was unanimous by the legislature and done so in such a way to get the investigation and its principal parties away from the building and offices that presumably are the centre of said investigation.

Why is this so hard for Rob Shaw? To be sure, he manages to throw in a little 'blame the NDP' for this situation.

Administrative leave or suspension with pay is *also* part of the due process that folks rightfully demand.

What is offensive about the narrative connecting the health firings to this situation is that if there's nothing to see; no reason for charges, 'just a big misunderstanding', the Clerk and Sergeant At Arms get to return to their jobs they were never fired from.

The embarrassment of being 'perp walked' from the legislative building is not at all equivalent to having your own government lie about why you were fired, then lie that you're under police investigation (crux of the health firing scandal). Politicians making that equivalency are playing games, media that buy into that narrative are worse; they should know better. 

Lets be clear, no formal charges have been filed as far as I am aware and both of these folks are entitled to natural justice, whatever that looks like; but this is an active investigation.

This wasn't political, until BC Liberal Leader Wilkinson got cold feet on this matter and now certain members of the press are feeding that silly talking point.

Bottom line. Let the process play out as it will. I'm sure there's more to this than meets the eye or what has been thus revealed. Life and our democracy will go on.

my 2 bits


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