Opinion: Donald Trump is the leader of the Tea Party and white nationalist movement

Let this be a lesson to those looking to those looking to emulate the populism, reactionary philosophy of Trumpism elsewhere; your movement is a fraud and your God is a false prophet.

Donald Trump endeared himself to the racist fringe with his parroting of conspiracy theories about former President Obama's birthplace ("birtherism").

Because media and pundits would have eviscerated anyone for doing so, no one used the 'N' word in dismissing Obama's candidacy as far back as 2008, why not nullify him by professing that he's not a natural born citizen - and given the real world antipathy towards Muslim folks since 2001, accuse the guy of being Islamic too.

All of these patently racist, debunked theories were repeated by far-right hate-pimps, and it didn't matter that they were false. As a certain German cabinet minister in the 1930's proved, the bigger the lie, the more often its repeated, the more folks will believe it. That tactic, if nothing else, was proven true.

Its what it took to lay the groundwork and pave the way for a person like Trump. 20+ years ago, I would have never have figured Trump for a racist, etc. An opportunist? Absolutely. His business practices I didn't have any information on, other than what was in the public domain at the time, but I would have easily attributed 'opportunism' as one of his traits.

A man with an ego that large, a personality that narcissist, the reach for the next big thing was almost inevitable. So he ran for President.

I don't think Trump is stupid. I think he learned well the art of the sale. Close the sale on whatever terms you can get. Its all about the sales pitch.

Trump knows his people. He said as much in '16 when he claimed that he loved the poorly educated; they weren't smart enough to challenge his ideas.

Armed with a core of racist supporters who hated Obama for his blackness, antipathy towards Hillary Clinton and a flawed electoral college system, Trump became the 45th President.

With that, he stepped into the Whitehouse with all his prior business conflicts, arrogance and flaws, to do a job he doesn't understand.

Donald Trump lives in the moment. He believes his own rhetoric and appears to think that laws aren't broken or conflicts are irrelevant so long as his ends are met.

That is not how the laws work. And no man, or President, is above the law.

To those who would emulate the Trump model will rightly follow his path. Maybe there's initial success, but inevitably, a trail of destruction as the lies are revealed. Because that is what the whole "alt-right" movement is based on. Lies and Hate.

Good riddance.

my 2 bits


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